
Since its inception almost 80 years ago in Atlanta, Fisher Phillips has blossomed into a megafirm with 36 offices and more than 500 attorneys. With this expansion, the firm’s standing as a premier law firm representing management exclusively in the areas of labor, employment, civil rights, employee benefits, and immigration law has grown as well. Its footprint covers most of the United States, from Atlanta to Boston, Chicago to Seattle, Los Angeles to Houston, Kansas City to Washington, DC, and most points in between.
Firm Stats
Total No. Attorneys (2022)
No. of Partners Named (2022)
Featured Rankings
No. of 1st Year Associates Hired (2022)
No. of Summer Associates (2022)
Base Salary
Vault Verdict
Fisher Phillips was founded as a sole office with the singular purpose of representing employers in labor and employment matters, and it has stayed true to this mission throughout incredible expansion. Firm recruiting prioritizes work experience over grades and law school attended, and certainly looks for candidates interested in labor and employment law. Office settings are friendly and welcoming, and people enjoy getting together for firm events—though not at the expense of personal time. Partners take an interest in associates both personally and professionally, and are open to associates’ questions and ideas. Partners are responsive mentors when associates reach out, and the firm is taking steps to improve its formal mentorship program with a revamp and relaunch in April 2022....
About the Firm
With dozens of offices across the U.S., Fisher Phillips is a force in the employment law world. The firm is home to more than 500 lawyers, who focus mostly on defense-side labor and employment cases.
Management's Best Friend
Founded in Atlanta in 1943, Fisher Phillips has grown from a regional to national player. The firm has established experience in traditional labor and employment law subjects like NLRB practice, EEOC, wage and hour, and disability law, as well as emerging issues in fields like employee benefits and immigration law compliance.
The firm continues to add offices by the truckload. Its client base is diverse, including employers in the agriculture, automotive, casino, healthcare, real estate, transportation and manufacturing sectors, among ot...
Associate Reviews
- “My colleagues are professional, friendly, smart, and emotionally intelligent. I enjoy working as a team with my coworkers. It is nice to have flexibility to work remotely as we choose, but this lessens the day-to-day interactions with my colleagues.”
- “The office is very collegial and welcoming. People are kind and respectful of personal time. There are plenty of opportunities to get valuable hands-on experience and feedback, and other associates and partners are more than willing to answer questions and explain how things are done.”
- “The firm is more collegial than any firm I've ever been a part of. The management and other associates really make an effort to plan and schedule firm events so that attorneys and support staff feel appreciated. There's at least some sort of gathering at least 1-3 times a month.”
Diversity at Fisher Phillips
Getting Hired Here
- “This firm places a higher value on work experience or interview performance over grades or school rank. It does not seem there are particular feeder schools. The firm cares more about whether they believe the candidate will be a good fit for the firm, whether they think they would be a great team player, and whether they have excellent communication skills.”
- “The firm tends to only recruit at higher ranked law schools and looks extensively at work experiences, grades, and personality. I do not know the exact process or training for those who interview candidates.”
- “Personality, work experience, employment law experience, etc.”