
Jackson Lewis specializes in the labor and employment law arena, and, with more than 950 attorneys, the firm has become one of the largest providers of employment law services in the nation. The firm also RISEs to the occasion when it comes to providing targeted mentoring. The firm's mentoring program, RISE, is focused on ensuring that all associates at the firm have equal access to mentoring and is tailored by associate level.
Firm Stats
Total No. Attorneys (2021)
Featured Rankings
Base Salary
No. of U.S. Offices
No. of International Offices
Major Office Locations
About the Firm
When you know what you're good at, you stick to it. Jackson Lewis specializes in the labor and employment law arena, and, with more than 950 attorneys, the firm has become one of the largest providers of employment law services in the nation.
Nationwide Presence
Jackson Lewis was founded by Lou Jackson and Robert Lewis in New York in 1958. Just short of 20 years later, the firm opened its first California office, extending its reach from coast to coast. But the firm’s quest for expansion really took off in the 2000s. With a staggering 60-plus offices across the country today, Jackson Lewis has set up dozens of new offices in recent decades and continues to launch new branches in unexplored regions.
Labor and Employment Focused