
Centerview is one of Wall Street's most highly respected M&A advisory firms. It's known for working on high-profile deals for clients like CBS, CVS Health, and Time Warner.
Internship Program Stats
How To Apply
We recruit on-campus at select schools. Other candadites are encouraged to apply through the Careers section on our website.
Number Of Interns
Academic Level
International Students Eligible
About the Program
Summer analysts with Centerview receive initial training, followed by immediate participation on live projects, working with firm bankers at all levels. Over the course of the summer, analysts will gain exposure to the fundamentals of banking, including financial modeling, fundamental valuation, and strategic thinking. By the end of their summer, analysts will have gained a strong understanding of M&A execution and financial advisory.
About the Company
In 2006, UBS Vice Chairman Blair Effron had dinner with his friend Robert Pruzan, a veteran investment banker and former CEO of Wasserstein Perella. The two men decided to capitalize on the lucrative M&A boom by going in to business together, opening a boutique they dubbed Centerview Partners—the name came from the view at their new office on the 19th floor of Rockefeller Center. The firm has since moved to larger offices in New York; it also has offices in London, Menlo Park, Paris and S...